hehe :D these are all of my planner,note books :D
all are my favourite like polka dots. cupcake. flowers. :D
and my sibling's 570 calculator is my turn to use it!
changed the low battery, and i'll use it start from next year :D
Finally, i get my starbuck 2010 planner :D
finally my sis redeem it for me!. thanks angie ng ♥
and i'm in process decorating my planner :D
i wan it fill with my darlin photos :D
i know you're quite pressure and upset ryte now,
maybe you're really wanna stay at Art ryte?
i know you dont want to leave me, and all of us.
but whatever at the end you choose,
we all are still here support you remember?
no matter what happend! no matter how far we are!
B, i'll cheer you up!
and always there for you! forever and always !
don't let urself too upset,
got any trouble, can just share wif us
i'll help you if i can do so! okay?
cheer up B!
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